Report A Claim
Here you can report a claim electronically.
If you find that submitting a claim by phone is easier, please contact your agent.
Jim Colville - 800-423-0801 or 989-240-2879
JC Colville - 877-4CROPMAN or 989-240-2880
David Colville - 866-329-1314 or 773-299-3687
Scott Colville - 866-329-1314 or 616-560-8510
Ryan Colville - 877-4CROPMAN or 989-240-0645
When Reporting A Claim
If you have any questions about whether you have a claim or not, leave those concerns in the message section of the form below.
If you are unsure whether you have a claim or not, call your agent, or submit this form to us and we will help determine whether or not you have a claim.
Please fill out the form in it's entirety, or to the best of your ability using N/A if you are unsure what to put in a box.